IBM Cloud vs GCP: Which is the better cloud service for AI and machine learning?

October 04, 2021

IBM Cloud vs GCP: Which is the better cloud service for AI and machine learning?

Welcome, Data Scientists! Choosing a cloud service for AI and machine learning can be a daunting task. But don't worry, we've got you covered! In this blog post, we will compare IBM Cloud and GCP for their capabilities in AI and machine learning. So, grab your popcorn, and let's dive in!


IBM Cloud and GCP are two of the leading cloud services providers for AI and machine learning applications. Both platforms offer powerful tools and features that can help you build, train, and deploy your machine learning models.

IBM Cloud offers a wide variety of AI and machine learning services, including Watson Studio, Watson Machine Learning, and Watson Deep Learning. On the other hand, GCP offers services such as AutoML, Machine Learning Engine, and BigQuery ML.


When it comes to pricing, IBM Cloud and GCP have different pricing models. IBM Cloud offers both pay-as-you-go and subscription plans, while GCP offers a pay-as-you-go model.

IBM Cloud's pricing is based on the number of virtual CPUs, memory, and storage used. On the other hand, GCP's pricing is based on the usage of machine learning models and the amount of data processed.


Performance is a critical factor to consider when it comes to AI and machine learning. Both IBM Cloud and GCP offer high-performance computing resources, making it possible to train and deploy machine learning models quickly.

IBM Cloud offers a broad range of GPU and CPU options to choose from. IBM also offers the option to use IBM Watson Studio on IBM Cloud Pak for Data, which can be deployed on-premises or on the cloud.

GCP also provides different GPU options for Machine Learning Engine, including NVIDIA Tesla V100 and P100. In addition, the platform has a unique feature called Tensor Processing Units (TPUs), which can deliver even faster performance than GPUs.

Ease of Use

Ease of use is another essential factor to consider when dealing with complex tasks like AI and machine learning. Both IBM Cloud and GCP offer user-friendly interfaces and tools to make it easy for beginners to start working with their platform.

IBM Cloud provides a dashboard that is easy to navigate and manage resources. IBM Watson Studio offers an intuitive visual interface for building and deploying models.

GCP also has a straightforward interface and offers a range of tools to help you create and deploy models. GCP's AutoML allows users with minimal experience in machine learning to build their custom models without writing any code.


Both IBM Cloud and GCP offer highly capable cloud services for AI and machine learning. Each platform has its strengths and unique features.

IBM Cloud is an excellent option for users looking for more flexibility in pricing and deployment options. IBM Watson Studio is ideal for data scientists looking to build and deploy AI and machine learning models quickly.

GCP, on the other hand, is an excellent choice for users looking for streamlined pricing and advanced features like TPUs. GCP's AutoML services are perfect for users with limited experience in machine learning who still want to create custom models.

At the end of the day, the choice between IBM Cloud and GCP depends on your specific needs and use case.


  1. IBM Cloud
  2. IBM Watson Studio
  3. IBM Watson Machine Learning
  4. IBM Watson Deep Learning
  5. GCP
  6. AutoML
  7. Machine Learning Engine
  8. BigQuery ML

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